Thursday, June 11, 2009

This and That

I guess I've been busy: I sure haven't been blogging. Nick graduates from high school tomorrow and I'm finally done with work on the Sober Grad Committee. We turned in Alex's text books as well, so we are on break for now.
The cardiologist did an EKG last week and we are set up for an echocardiagram on Monday. So far he said the good news is he doesn't think there is anything wrong with her heart, the bad news is he can't fix the pain. If everything still looks okay on Monday we need to call the GI doc again and set up an appointment for upper and lower scopes.
Counting down... surgery is 5 weeks from today.

1 comment:

  1. Does Alex still have her gall bladder? When I had my worst attack, I actually thought I was possibly having a heart attack.
    Less than a month now.
